2.7Million tourists visited Turkey in the first quarter of 2021

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The number of tourists who visited Turkey during the first quarter of this year was about 2.7 million.

The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated, in a statement on Friday, that the number of tourists during the aforementioned period witnessed a decrease of 53.92% compared to the same period of the previous year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

She explained that two million and 689 thousand tourists visited Turkey during the first quarter of 2021.

It indicated that one million and 953 thousand and 86 expatriates are foreign tourists, and the rest are citizens residing abroad.

The Russian tourists came at the forefront of foreigners who flocked to Turkey during the aforementioned period, with 395,000 tourists, followed by the Iranians with 152,000, and then the Germans with 130,000.

The statement added that Turkish tourism revenues in the first quarter of this year amounted to two billion and 452 million dollars.

He explained that the average spending of one tourist during one night is 56 dollars, and during his stay in Turkey 943 dollars.

Foreign tourists are excluded from all the ban measures, while they apply to all citizens and foreigners who are subject to temporary protection in Turkey.

It is noteworthy that the global tourism sector is witnessing a major recession due to the spread of the Corona virus.